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IMFirewall Software Co., Ltd. is located in Nanjing China. Founded in 2004 by Tina Jiang, with a strong focus on internet filtering and content filtering, the company is gaining a reputation for professional and technological innovation along the way.

IMFirewall focuses on Internet information security and providing customers with a comprehensive approach to manage the Internet usage of enterprise network. Our products support several languages and have users around the world, especially in North American, Europe and Asia.

Culture And Values

The values and culture of IMFirewall Software are its soul and identity. There are few constants in today's change-swept business environment. Processes change. Systems evolve. And, methodologies progress. At the core of it all, are IMFirewall Software values and culture. They remain unchanged forever. In IMFirewall Software, you will find three values at work:

  • Humanity is the spirit of benevolence that inspires IMFirewall Software.
  • Integrity reflects the best that IMFirewall Software stands for.
  • Humility is the innate IMFirewall Software ability to place others before itself.

Company Info

    Headquarter: NanJing China.
    Address     : YuDao Road 33#, DaZheng Investor Mansion 11th floor, C area.