Example of Blocking MSN


IMFirewall Software


1 Example of Blocking MSN

To make blocking work, you can change an existing blocking level or add a new one. Here we start this example from adding a new blocking level.

Add A Blocking Level

Click "Blocking Levels" -> "New Level". As in Figure 1, in "Blocking Level Settings", check "Block MSN".

Figure 1

You also need to apply this block level to certain computers in the "User-computer Table". Please refer to Modify the User-computer Table

2 Example of Blocking MSN File Transfer

Add A Blocking Level

As in Figure 2, add a blocking level and check "Block MSN File Transfer" in the "Blocking Level Settings".

Figure 2

You also need to apply this block level to certain computers in the "User-computer Table". Please refer to Modify the User-computer Table

WFilter can not block existing MSN file transfer sessions. You need to sign in your msn again for blocking policy to take effect.

3 Example of MSN Black&white List

3.1 Add A MSN Black/White List

Click "Control Settings" -> "Black/White List Settings", choose "MSN Black/White List" type, then press "Add", as in Figure 3.1.1.

Figure 3.1.1

As in Figure 3.1.2, choose a type and fill in certain MSN accounts you want to filter.

Figure 3.1.2

One account per line. Wildcards(*,?) are supported. Wildcard '*' means multi-Character, while wildcard '?' means a single character.

3.2 Add A Blocking Level

As in Figure 3.2, add a blocking level named "Block msn list example" and check "Enable MSN black/white list" with "MSN black list example" choosed.

Figure 3.2

3.3 Modify the User-computer Table

You need to set the blocking level for computers which you want to implement this blocking policy. As in Figure 3.3, choose the "Block msn list example" blocking level in the "Blocking rules". Make sure that "Enable Monitor" are chosen for computers you want to block.

Figure 3.3


WFilter can not block existing MSN file transfer sessions. You need to sign in your msn again for blocking policy to take effect.